Saturday, February 26, 2011

Random thoughts on the way…

One’s destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things. Somehow I have been lucky enough to travel pretty frequently and after coming to Pilani became totally blessed in this respect. A particular friend of mine, who coincidentally in the same circumstance, must be tired of hearing me say “Every journey is an experience”.

The idle hours, the lush green fields and not to forget “DDLJ waale sarsoo ke khet” complement the mind lost in reverie. While peeping out of the train window, a part of me always wishes to be on the other side .A futile desire to break free from the monotone and to live in a place every kid’s first painting reflects- a small beautiful house surrounded by hills with the sun rising in the backdrop. A look around the compartment full of people brings back the ground reality that reaching the destination is the sole purpose of travel. That is precisely what the whole busy world is doing. 

The most ironical thing you will notice about the arid region of Rajasthan is that one temple and two “desi daaru bhattis’’ can be spotted every 5 minutes on the highway. The secret behind Rajasthan’s success as a tourist destination is probably because the hosts know pretty well what keeps a person going in an exhausting journey. Bad weather always manages to take a toll, be it the blinding fog or the unbearable heat. Specially for people like us who miraculously violate the laws of atomic packing fractions by fitting ten people each with three bags in a single Tavera.

A melomanic at heart,I subconsciously associate people and places with some piece of music. Delhi-Jhunjhunu-Pilani highway has a loud loud association with “Ye galiyan ye chaubaara,kabhi aana na dobaara”. Every cab-driver and bus-driver seems to have it on his playlist. This has resulted in my parents’ lachrymal glands to be charged every time they drop me off to college and my suffering from a terrible headache after its heart-renting contrast with Delhi FM. On the contrary, introspection on the way is best done with soothing music-the lyrics which make you think a thought ,the tune which makes you feel a feeling and finally the song which makes you feel the thought.   

I was always a firm believer of every superstition I ever came across no matter how much I deny it. The most intriguing one happened to be the   one in which you throw a coin into the river as the train passes over the bridge hoping that your wish will be granted. I once tried throwing my Dad’s ATM Card so that I did’nt have to worry about any wish at least for the next four years. I was not successful in accomplishing that task but it did make me understand that if the 20 million passengers using Indian Railways at that point of time had something in common, it surely was Faith.

The most difficult journeys with trains being 8 hours late, lost luggage and bad food can be made memorable because of the company. This is the time when I have had the most interesting conversations with my friends. The deepest secrets unveiled, the silliest jokes cracked and the divine learning of how to carry your own luggage attained. Accidentally crashing into old friends can make it even better. It is probably only in the emptiness that we discover so much within ourselves. We manage to give away carefree thoughts, gossip which was actually meant to be kept as secrets and most importantly share emotions without any reluctance.

Looking forward to my next trip………….

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